Erőss István – Box
2009 Aug. – Szárhegy/Transylvania/RomaniaTag: fight
Bread fight
Vetró Barnabás – We haunt Udvartér
happening, the artist and 3 participants(friends) – 2009, 5’th Octoberlocation: Lábas Ház, Sepsiszentgyörgy/Seklerland/Transylvania/Romania
The happening tries to reveal the idea of holiness associated with bread. Because of this reason, the participants given their religious and artistic belief, have changed the outcome compared to what the artist had in mind. It should be known, that the happening evokes a loose common work similar to the very first breadblog work of Vetró Barnabás.
Description of the happening by the artist:
The paintings hanging on the wall of the exhibition space had been flipped and afterwards I had brought in the breads, hidden under my T-shirt. They had already been pealed, I had left them in the center and I went next to the wall. In front of me, my three guests was in front of the three windows. I had thrown at them and they had standed my attacks. There has been someone who had threw back a couple of times, or was simply eating bread. The camera that was positioned in the corner, was recording the events. Afterwards, photos have been taken of the space. Translation: Etelka Tamás