Bread head sculptures

Bread head sculptures – András Böröcz
2003 – New York

One of András Böröcz and his wife Robbin Ami Silverberg’s actions was carried out at the Popieluszko Square next to their apartment, the purpose of which was to have the pigeons floating in the square devouring or at least breaking down the sculptures made of bread. The pigeons walked around the bread heads, but did not harm them, paying tribute to Böröcz’s art. The square was named after a Polish priest murdered in 1987. Later the Polish community in Brooklyn erected a statue for his memory. The head of the statue was broken on the day before the initiation. Böröcz reacted with the Breadhead statue in action, documented by Robbin Ami Silverberg and become the Bread Head Story.

8 pieces of bread head sculptures
photo: Hübner Teodóra

Figurative Bread Sculpture

Matteo Lucca  – Figurative Bread Sculptures

Matteo Lucca’s figurative sculptures are forged with the unlikely material of bread. Using the unusual contours of these bakes—and experimenting with burns and malformed sections—the works take on an unsettling quality.

figurative bread sculpture

See more of his work here.

Bread paintings

Jessica Naisbitt – Bread paintings

Jessica Naisbitt enjoys getting creative in the kitchen with a special bread dough recipe that can be sculpted, baked and painted.

image copyright: Daneielle Colvin

image copyright: Daneielle Colvin

image copyright: Daneielle Colvin

Jessica has perfected a bread dough recipe that she uses to make intricate sculptures, which are then mounted on canvas.

Read full story here.

Bread Castings

Lucy + Jorge Orta

The exhibition will examine the artists’ practice in the context of the major concerns of the 21st century: species loss, food security and food waste in the face of world population increase. Arts organisation Metal has curated the show which brings together key works by Lucy + Jorge on the theme created over the last twenty years. Lucy + Jorge will also be displaying new sculptures inspired by The Harvest Meal… read more

bread castings