The beauty of no artificial preservatives created by: ingo, david and publicis, 2020
The beauty of real food is that it gets ugly. that’s why we are rolling out a WHOPPER® that is free from artificial preservatives. isn’t it beautiful? #NoArtificialPreservatives
Gerard Weber – Weed Week : Now With More Weed capaign
A week-long programming stunt dedicated to weed that appeals to all the senses and culminates on 4/20. The strategy for this campaign was celebrating the ubiquity, normalization, and increasing legalization of weed.
It depicts copious amounts of weed in curious, unexpected places while still being rooted in the real world.
Gerard is a Creative + Art Director with over 12 years experience working alongside a range of brands developing global campaigns. His work has won over 90 awards and has been recognized across marketing, advertising, television, digital, print, experiential and more.
Trafó house of contemporary arts in Budapest, Hungary produced an “image campaign” around the year 2000, reflecting on the consumable nature of culture.
The text on the poster says: “Gallery. For consumers”
Vote Yes – Anti gay leaflets in bread packaging Bihor, Romania – October 2018
A referendum will take place in Romania on 6 and 7 October 2018 about whether to change the definition of the family as provided by Article 48 of the Romanian Constitution, to constitutionally prohibit same-sex marriage.
Photo by Florin Iaru
The referendum follows a citizens’ initiative launched by Coaliția pentru Familie (the Coalition for Family) in late 2015, which gathered over three million signatures in support of the referendum, substantially more than the 500,000 required to initiate a constitutional amendment referendum.[…]
“The Government allotted on Tuesday, September 18, EUR 35.2 million for organizing the referendum to change the definition of family in Romania’s Constitution.” [source]
This referendum is a shameless exercise of political opportunism.
Superimpose Studio – Swindled campaign 2018 – United Kingdom
Swindled. It’s one simple word, but one which sparked an entire movement for Services Unknown, a platform run by London’s Superimpose Studio that explores issues facing the creative industries. It’s latest campaign – #Swindled – aims to facilitate a new discussion around Brexit, seeking an outcome that works for everyone. Having originally conceived the campaign for anti-Brexit group Best for Britain, Superimpose Studio decided to produce #Swindled itself after momentum stalled.